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How did “Unexpected Income” show up for you?

I received an IRA payment that was unexpected. $27.00 – SR

I was paid for a class/workshop at the Center for Spiritual Living Fullerton that I didn’t expect to hold. $15.00 – KT

Received a Christmas Bonus that was not expected. $100.00 – SR

I received an unexpected Bonus at work I recently started. $120.00 – AS

My daughter paid me to check on her home while she was away for work for a month and I sold a piece of furniture that I was planning to to give away. $26.00 – TR

Register at the market was not working correctly so they gave me a discount of $6.28. – RTJ

Class of SOM 101 collected as a group $272.00 during the 8 weeks of class.

Received unexpected gift cards of $150 and $50, store credits of $80 and $30, and a young mom in line at the store paid $7.57 for my purchase. Total unexpected Income donation of $40.00 – SS

We have a policy with American Home Shield. The door to the ice container broke on the refrigerator and the part where the water comes out was bad. The technician looked at it, said he’d contact AHS and let me know. I offered to pay for parts. Then I got an email saying they would replace my fridge or pay $1338 toward a new one. Happy Days! I have a new fridge. 🙂 $134.00 – KH

Received 2 gift cards unexpectedly from a Prayer Partner. $16.00 – CH

I received my ex-husband’s government stimulus check since he owes back child-support. It was totally unexpected! I am grateful! – $270.00 – EC

Received Coronavirus Stimulus Check, pension increase, car insurance premium decrease, and insurance rebate totaling $3,050! Donation of $305.00 – KH & CH

Helped a friend apply for a PPP Loan for his business and he was able to receive money that was really helpful to keep his business afloat during the Social Distancing Order. He paid me $500 unexpectedly as a thank you. $50.00 – TR

Unexpected Government Stimulus check just showed up in my bank account! – $120.00 – RT

Received $1,200 in Gov. Stimulus check. $120.00 – RTJ

Money flows to me from everywhere! Too many to list here 🙂 God is my Source and Supply and I am the living proof this is True! – total donated so far, $995.00 – SM

Went to the dentist for a surgical procedure fully expecting to pay a hefty out-of-pocket fee but found out I did not owe anything for the procedure. What a wonderful “unexpected income”! Donation of $75.00 – SS