• Spiritual Mind Treatment for Corona Virus Condition

    Spiritual Mind Treatment for Corona Virus Condition
    by Rev. Dr. Bill Salisbury

    These are trying times. I believe that from the depths of the current global crisis a call is being made to each of us to remain steadfast in our faith. This is the time to lean into our foundation of spiritual practice, and to keep in the forefront of our thoughts the awareness that we are expressions of the Divine.
    The Life Principle that manifests Itself as each of us is perfect, whole, and complete, and we are made in the image and likeness of that Divine Principle. We have at our command, by Divine birthright, all of the power of God to direct as we choose. We are, each and every one of us, centers of the eternal and infinite Presence within which all things live and move and have their being.
    In this current, troubling situation we are, as always, at choice. We can choose fear or we can choose faith. Choosing fear will cause faith to take a back seat to worldly conditions, and will see us being buffeted, bruised, and confused. Choosing faith will allow us to respond sensibly and responsibly to a very real condition with love, compassion, and a continued understanding that our eternal safety and security are guaranteed in God.
    I know for each of us, that God is right where we are. There is no place where God is not present, and I know the power of God is greater than any condition, circumstance, or event. This is good news. I know, too, that our individual faith, combined with an orchestrated community faith and a responsible approach to this condition will alleviate the strife many are experiencing. I know, for each of us, “I could see peace instead of this.”
    I am grateful to know, in this case as in all cases, God is. God is, and ultimately, all is well. It is with a heart full of gratitude that I release this healing word into the Spiritual Law, knowing it is already done.
    Thank you, God. And so it is.

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